Boost Your Immune System

Boosting your immune system is important right now. We would encourage you to reduce your sugar intake and eat as healthy as you can, avoiding processed foods. We carry some supplements in the office that are great for boosting your immune system.

Vitamin D

As you may know, many people are deficient in vitamin D. Vitamin D plays an important role in keeping your bones and. teeth healthy, which are key to your overall health.

While you can get vitamin D from sunshine, many people don’t get adequate sunshine in the winter and flu months. Luckily, you can make up for this through supplements.

Vitamin capsules are a wonderful addition to your regime during the winter months. This supplement can assist with supporting the immune system, maintaining blood pressure, boosting your mood, and supporting healthy brain functions.

Take 1-2 capsules up to twice a day for three months. Continue use as needed for maintenance.

Leptotaenia Oil

When you’re sick, it’s important to support your immune system while helping your body combat the sickness. One of the best ways that you can do that is with leptotaenia oil.

Leptotaenia oil is a powerhouse ingredient with antiviral and antibacterial properties. It has been shown to work as a bronchial. intestinal. and urinary antiseptic and can combat bad microbes in your body. A powerful infection fighter, leptotaenia oil can support your through fiu season and help you bounce back quickly.

For best results, take 1-3 capsules daily for 2-4 weeks. Continue as necessary for maintenance. DO NOT TAKE if you are pregnant or trying to become pregnant.

Essential Oils

Essential oils are a versatile addition to your everyday life. You can use them to prevent viruses, treat infections, and boost your immune system. In fact, humans have used essential oils to cure a number of ailments dating all the way back to the Mesopotamian era.

WO oil combines a number of antiviral, immune-boosting essential oils including leptotaenia 011, spearmint oil, wintergreen oil, and basil oil. It has been shown to be an effective treatment for sore throats, cuts, diarrhea, and a number of gastrointestinal ailments.

To use, apply topically, and avoid the eyes. You may also put 1-6 drops into a glass of water to drink once per day. DO NOT USE if you are pregnant or if you are trying to become pregnant.

As always. get adjusted regularly. Anytime that you remove interference from the nervous system by getting adjusted, you allow the body to concentrate on something else like allowing the immune system to work as it should.

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