Celebrate Your Most Precious Relationships

February is one of my favorite months. Not only is it a reminder that Spring is in the air but it is a reminder of all the wonderful relationships that I enjoy in my life. It is important to celebrate your most precious relationships. For me, that means my family, friends, and everyone I hold dear. Part of achieving good health is having healthy relationships. This, of course, takes work and intentionality.

Here are just a few tips on improving connections with all the loved ones in your life.

Be Intentional

Planning is important in every other area of our lives, so why shouldn’t it be a top priority with our relationships? Plan time to spend with a spouse or loved one, put it in the calendar and protect that time.

Be Present

I personally have so many distractions in my life. Life offers stressful situations for us to concentrate on, and our phones are continually reminding us that we cannot stop.

Before you spend time with your favorite people, turn off your phones and think through what you’d like to talk about. Allow yourself to dig deep and have rich conversations that will be etched in your memory.

The deep conversations will be building blocks for strong meaningful connections with people you care about. This can be a chance to reshape and expand your relationships.

Be Positive, Not Superficial

Instead of focusing on the the latest crisis or bad news, try to focus on something more meaningful and enriching. When we focus on the bad or “vent” constantly, it may stifle our relationships and clutter our conversations.

Focus 011 what’s going right in your life and ask your loved ones about good things that they have going on. This will make them feel appreciated and allow them to celebrate their little victories.

When you sit down and work on your calendar, set aside some time to foster connections.
Enjoy the month of February! Happy Valentine’s Day and enjoy connecting with your loved ones.

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