Cotswold Chiropractic Blog

What's the Difference Between a Micronutrient and a Macronutient

What’s the Difference Between a Micronutrient and a Macronutient?

It seems like we have heard many patients asking the difference between and micronutrient and a macronutient. So here is...
How do chiropractic adjustments help with stress?

How do chiropractic adjustments help with stress?

Emotional stress can manifest in the body in a variety of ways, both physically and mentally. Some common signs include:...
Woman reading nutritional food labels

Why Reading Food Labels is Crucial for Making Informed Choices About What You Eat

In today's world, we're constantly surrounded by food options, from the convenience of fast food to the growing variety of...
Shop at the Farmers Market - Avoid Processed Food and Eat Organic

Avoiding Processed Food and Eating Real Food

We know how important nutrition is, including avoiding processed food and eating real food. The Dangers of Sprayed Produce Unfortunately,...
How Sugar Affects Your Health

How Sugar Affects Your Health

Did you know the United States leads the world in sugar consumption, with an average daily intake of approximately 126.4...
The 5 R's of Cellular Healing - Cotswold Chiropractic, Charlotte, NC

The 5 R’s of Cellular Healing

Dr. Pompa is a well-known health advocate and educator in the field of natural health and cellular healing, developed the...
5 Tips for Keeping the Holidays Healthy

5 Tips for Keeping the Holidays Healthy

This time of the year is typically filled with family, fun, and holiday cheer. However, the holidays can also leave...

Lifeboost Coffee: Doctor Crafted, Clean Coffee

Lifeboost Coffee delivers the only clean coffee backed by doctors Clean, low acid coffee Clean coffee is created by eliminating...
Get Back to Your Favorite Activities with Our Treatments For Sports Injuries

Get Back to Your Favorite Activities with Our Treatments For Sports Injuries

Spend less time on the sidelines and more time enjoying your favorite sports with help from Dr. Dempsey and our...
7 Ways Chiropractic Adjustments Help Your Immune System

7 Ways Chiropractic Adjustments Helps Your Immune System

Why is it important to get your spine checked? Chiropractic adjustments can potentially help the immune system by improving the...
Strategies to Reduce Brain Inflammation and Improve Cellular Brain Health

Strategies to Reduce Brain Inflammation and Improve Cellular Brain Health

Often I get questions about brain health and what can be done about supporting and protecting the brain. Common complaints...
Movement. Keep That Body Moving!

Movement. Keep That Body Moving!

Is daily movement necessary? Absolutely! Do Chiropractic adjustments help? Absolutely! The human body is an amazingly complex system of bones,...