Cotswold Chiropractic Blog

Chiropractic Care for Auto Accidents
Most auto accidents cause neck pain, back pain, and whiplash. Whiplash Is More Than A Pain in the Neck - DO...

Do You Suffer From “Text Neck”?
Text neck, also known as forward head posture is a modern day ailment caused by the prolonged use of cellphones,...

Treating Headaches with Chiropractic Care
Headaches can present from many different causes. Tension, Cervicogenic, Sinus, TMJ, Migraine, Cluster, Rebound, and Hormonal changes. Chiropractic Care for...

Why is sleep so difficult for so many people?
A note from Nancy: I am currently doing a Masters Program in Clinical and Mental Health Counseling and have also...

More Sun. Less Sugar.
Have you noticed that there is a lot of sickness going around now? There are many things you can do...

Simple Healthy Chili Recipe
Health is one of our most valuable assets. We may not realize this until our health is compromised. We definitely...

Tips To Keep You Healthy This Cold and Flu Season
Our immune systems need to be protected from colds and flus in the upcoming season but also from diseases and...

Here are some things to remember to keep your kids healthy
Make sure they are getting plenty of good sleep (school age children need 9-11 hours). Feed them nutritious meals rich...

Did You Know That Your Home Could Be Toxic?
Our homes should be a haven and place of tranquility and rest, right? But did you know that your home...

5 Ways to Help Manage Stress
Stress and anxiety is a physiological response to threats or challenges we experience in everyday life. Often, it can be...