More Sun. Less Sugar.

Have you noticed that there is a lot of sickness going around now? There are many things you can do to enhance your immune system. Increase your Vitamin D3 by getting out in the sun and reduce your sugar intake.

The importance of Vitamin D3

Vitamin D3 is essential to our immune systems. It can help prevent viral infections, can help depressed moods (not necessarily Chronic Depression), chronic fatigue, slow wound healing, deep bone aches, bone fractures from minimal force and chronic muscle aches. You can get Vitamin D3 from the sun, your diet and high quality supplements. We carry physician grade Vitamin D3 in capsule form and liquid form in our office. Many of our patients use it regularly which we highly encourage you and your family do. The liquid form is great for kids because it has an orange flavor and tastes great.

Ideally the sun is a great source of Vitamin D, full body exposure from 10:00-2:00pm. Most people do not have that luxury. Therefore, an ideal maintenance dose is 10,000 iu.’s per day.

If you are unsure of your Vitamin D3 level there is a simple, inexpensive blood test that we can order for you. Your level should be 50 and above. Of the people I have tested over the years, most are way below (in the 20’s ) what is termed a functional blood level.

You can order Vitamin D3 online or from companies we work with that have high quality control, better absorption, and cleaner in terms of any additives.

Avoid or reduce processed sugar

Did you know that sugar is actually an anti-nutrient? So not only is it not good for you but it also blocks your body from absorbing nutrients. Sugar can be hidden in many processed foods. When we eat out there may be hidden sugar to enhance the flavor of foods. Alcohol has a lot of sugar as well. So limit your intake.

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