Cotswold Chiropractic Blog

Five Ways to Strengthen Your Immune System

Five Ways to Strengthen Your Immune System

Believe it or not, back to school is just around the corner. The beginning of a new school year tends...
The Benefits of Bone Broth Fasting

Benefits of Bone Broth Fasting

Dr. Dempsey and I have been broth fasting this week! there are so many health benefits to broth fasting! I...
Explore the health benefits of collagen in your diet.

6 Health Benefits of Collagen

Collagen. Yes, it's the most abundant protein in our bodies and here are the TOP 6 benefits of increasing your...
Boost your immune system with essential oils.

Boost Your Immune System

Boosting your immune system is important right now. We would encourage you to reduce your sugar intake and eat as...
5 Easy Tips for a Healthier Diet

5 Easy Tips for a Healthier Diet

I know that you've heard it from me and probably other healthcare professionals that Our Standard American Diet is a...
Here are five tips to help improve your sleep.

5 Tips to Improve Your Sleep

You may think a good night sleep is a luxury. However, it is a necessity for a strong immune system,...
What is chiropractic maintenance care?

What is Maintenance Care

There are three distinct stages of chiropractic care: relief care, corrective care, and maintenance care. Each stage of chiropractic care...
A note from Nancy.

The Importance of Self Care

I recently attended a webinar given by Dr. John Delony, a leading voice on relationships and emotional wellness . The...
A note from Nancy. Celebrate your most precious relationships

Celebrate Your Most Precious Relationships

February is one of my favorite months. Not only is it a reminder that Spring is in the air but...